July 15, 2024
Norwalk, Ohio
For Immediate Release
Contact: Karen Prelipp, karenp1515@ymail.com
The Huron County Democratic Party condemns all forms of violence. Now is not the time to point fingers, it is time to acknowledge we need to ratchet down the violent rhetoric from individuals who seek to divide us.
Attacks on public figures and the senseless killing and wounding of innocent bystanders must stop. We do not yet know the details of Saturday’s attempt on Ex-President Trump’s life so let’s not speculate, jump to conclusions, or buy into conspiracy theories.
Freedom, Justice and Opportunity are the values this country was founded upon, and we must keep that in mind in the following days and weeks as we learn the details of Saturday’s abhorrent action. We are all entitled to feel free to move about our daily lives without the fear of being harmed.
We have an opportunity to stand up and say enough is enough. Take this opportunity to get out of our silos and listen to other viewpoints. Really listen. Try to understand. Are we really that different in what we want for ourselves and our families? Challenge those in positions of authority and those who have a public platform to call for action.
It is way past time for thoughts and prayers. It’s time for action to prevent the next mass killing. It’s time to acknowledge we in the United States have a disgraceful history of not protecting our citizens.
It’s time!
Karen Prelipp, Chairwoman
Huron County Democratic Party